7 Simple Ways to Spend More Time With God In Today’s Busy World. 

May, 02, 2023
Spending more time with God

Tips to help the modern-day Christian spend more time with God.

Have you been finding that your quiet time with God has been getting shorter and shorter? Maybe it’s become nonexistent.  

As modern-day Christians, we find our plates full with long hours at work, the responsibilities of home, and personal endeavors (doctor’s appointments, grocery runs, you know the other things we have to do to survive).

Although we know our time with God is precious and necessary, sometimes it feels like God gets the last piece of us at the end of the day. Other times, it feels that He gets our backs as we’re rushing to the shower and out the door.  

Yes. I’m speaking from personal experience. I’ve had my fair share of this in medical school, residency, and now as a physician entrepreneur.  

It seems that with each change, things got a little harder to deal with and I had (have)  to adjust.  Recently, I started my entrepreneurial journey while working as a full-time attending physician.  I’m also a newlywed.  

It feels like I’ve again found myself back at square one.  

I used to feel ashamed and go through the whole guilt thing.  You know the “Jesus died on the cross for my sins, woke me up and here I was unable to give him five minutes of my day.” 

I say used to feel ashamed because I’ve learned that God is not a God of shame.  He knew what He called me to and He promised to help me.  So I humble myself, recognize my limitations and I’m willing to let Him help me adjust.  

I want to talk to you about how you can do the same.  Don’t get me wrong, I still struggle.  But, I’m not where I was a year ago or even a day ago.  And I think that makes Him proud.  It makes me proud.  

So in this article, we’ll discuss 

  • the benefits of prioritizing fellowship with God
  • some practical tips that can help you spend more time with Jesus 
  • a prayer for spending more time with God

Benefits of Spending More Time With God Everyday 

God will give you the wisdom needed to tackle your day

While we may feel overwhelmed by the tasks that keep our days busy, spending time with God is non-negotiable.  

Why? Because spending time with God is the solution when we feel overwhelmed and drained.  

We can learn this from the Proverbs 31 woman.  

At first glance, she seems to be perfect. She has it all and she can do it all.  She is a wife, mother, businesswoman, philanthropist, etc.  

In truth, she wasn’t perfect at all.  She was able to be all of these things because she spent time with God.  

She is an example that it’s in our quiet time with God that we receive our instructions, warnings, and battle strategies.  Yes, you may have a list full of the tasks for the day, but allow the Spirit of God to say which one needs your attention today and which ones can wait.  

Allow His Spirit to show you how to work smarter and not harder. Remember, He will never give us more than we can bear (1 Corinthians 5:13).  

God will allow you to be fruitful as you fulfill your purpose.

In addition to the Proverbs 31 woman, let’s look at John 15:4, which states:

“Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

How can we operate in our calling if we’re not connected to our source? I found this out the hard way going through the motions, yet not being effective.  

We can work our fingers to the bone, but if God did not ordain it and if He is not in it, it will all be for nothing.  

When you spend time with God learning his wants from you, you’ll see doors open and mountains move just for you. His will becomes your will.  

God will provide you with strength against the attacks of the enemy.

Think about life where the enemy’s attacks didn’t seem so great anymore.  A life where you’ve accepted your inheritance of the peace that surpasses understanding. A life where His wisdom is the guiding light in every step you take. 

Any time the enemy sees a Christian fulfilling their purpose, you can bet that he will launch his attack.  I mean he can’t have you out here furthering God’s kingdom.  

When we spend time with God, we learn to fight as Jesus did.  We learn to use the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, and the belt of truth while putting on the helmet of salvation and standing on the foundation of truth.  

And when we spend more and more time in the Bible, this becomes easier.  

How to spend time with God throughout the day

Taking time to sit in God's presence

Now that we’ve reviewed a few benefits of spending time with God, as promised, here are 5 things you can do to ensure your busy day is filled with Him.  

1. Pray and read the Bible in a new environment.

Always praying in your bedroom? Try grabbing a cozy blanket and going to your living room while it’s quiet. You could also go to a nearby park.  I like being by the water, so that’s where you’ll usually find God and me.  

Alternatively, you can create a prayer closet or corner in your home. I was browsing through Instagram and I saw this woman transforming a closet into her designated prayer room.

And now that I think about it, I saw a couple a few days ago doing the same thing. 

This helps set the tone for intentionality. It’s similar to when we sit at our desks at work. Your body is in work mode. Going into this space is saying God here I am. I’ve come to meet with you. 

This can limit distractions which we both know is a common culprit in our time with God. 

2. Invite him into your day. 

You’re cooking dinner?  Invite Him to come along.  You don’t have to make Him a plate of course.  But, as you sauté, chop, stir…have a conversation with Him. 

Ask Him what He thinks and listen.  He will respond….in His own way of course.   When we seek Him, we will find Him (Matthew 7:7).  He longs for a relationship with you. Remember, He gave his life for it.  

3. Give him your undivided attention

While in med school, I attended a weekly women’s bible study hosted by some of the community physicians and their spouses.  We were on a topic that surrounded prayer and time with God.  I admit that I don’t remember the exact details.  

However, I remember one of the attendee’s words. She had three kids and talked about her struggle to find time with God.  In that conversation, God allowed her to change my views.  

She said that she found that mornings were not the best time to get her quiet time in with God.  It was actually in the evenings when her kids had gone to bed and her house was quiet.  

Yes, we usually spend time with God early in the mornings as we want to make Him first in our day, get instructions, etc.  

However, if evening time is better for you, I agree with the woman from our bible study that God can still accomplish His purpose in your life.  

It is not when or how you come, it’s the fact that you came to meet Him.  Let’s not let religion or tradition dictate our relationship with Him. That’s not what He died for.  

There are times, I give him the first part of my day by saying Good morning Lord, thank you for waking me up this morning.  I give myself time to wake up and then give Him the attention that He deserves.

4. Make your time with God a priority.

As busy as life may get, it’s true that we make time for what we want.  When we are exhausted, it may feel like we are going through the motions.  

I’m sure you’re fully aware of this, but I cannot write this blog post without mentioning this.  

There is a spiritual war and it’s always raging.  The war for souls.  Our Father has given His all to save us.  However, it’s up to us to use the tools He’s provided.  

When we consider this perspective, we can see that no matter how busy life gets, spending time with God is just as important as the air we breathe.

5. Get a different translation of the Bible. 

When I was in college, people were handing out Bibles.  I wasn’t saved, saved yet.  But, I found myself reading it while lying in bed with a heavy heart.  

Later, my cousin gifted me with my first-ever bible.  It was a woman’s bible that had devotionals and was so fun to read.  That Bible catapulted my understanding of God’s word and led to my salvation.  

And you know what, I just recently bought another Bible similar to it.  I found myself excited to leave my husband’s company, that TV show I was watching, and my candle studio just so that I could spend time in the Bible. 

Maybe this will work for you too.

6. Check out some devotionals and Christian books 

Nothing can take the place of God’s words, but I switch it up sometimes.  Devotionals usually have a storyline related to a bible scripture. In the YouVersion Bible App, I started the Daring Faith plan by Rick Warren. I’ve been enjoying it.  

For books, I loved Joyce Meyer’s Battlefield of the Mind. 

While I was a pen-and-paper type of girl, my husband introduced me to audiobooks.  I have a 20-minute commute to work.  This means I spend almost five hours in the car on the weeks that I work.  

I’ve learned to take advantage of that time and get through some books.  

After reading or hearing the information, ponder over it.  Get your journal out or just sit with Him and take a few minutes to reflect. Ask God how you can use the information to be more like Him. 

7. Check out some Podcasts.

My sister-in-law introduced me to podcasts.  I haven’t done much, but she loves them. She tells me that she listens to Joyce Meyer’s podcasts almost daily and how much it’s helped her as a busy wife, mom, student, and rising therapist.  

Well, those are my top tips for spending time with God from one busy Christian to another.  Now let’s start the wrap-up with a prayer asking God to help us spend more time with Him. 

A Busy Christian’s Prayer for Spending More Time with God

Prayer for those who need to spend more time with the Lord

Dear Lord, 

I thank you for my portion.  I thank you for trusting me with all that you’ve given me.  But God, sometimes I get overwhelmed.  I find myself exhausted, drained, and feeling like I have little time with you. 

I acknowledge that I cannot do this alone and in my own strength.  I know how vital spending time with you is. Father, I’m calling on your Spirit to help me.  

Help me ensure that I’m spending time with you and building our relationship. In addition to what I’ve read above, show me ways that fit my lifestyle so that I can fulfill your purpose for me.  

In Jesus’s name. Amen.

Final thoughts on spending time with God as a modern-day Christian

In this article, we’ve discussed the benefits of spending time with God, tips to help busy Christians spend more time with Jesus, and closed with a prayer to help us follow through.  

Just like any relationship, your relationship with God will take work, planning, and sacrifice. 

Make it a priority to maintain and nurture your relationship with Him.  If you fall off, get back on.  Don’t fall victim to guilt or shame. Ask for His help.  

I hope this article helps you.  Feel free to share some of your tips on how you spend time with God in the comments below. 

Also, share with a friend who may need the read.  

Cheers to more time with Jesus.  

Until next time, be blessed!

-Dr. Jay. 

P.S.  Our shop is now open for business!  Check out our non-toxic, hand-poured, Christian candles inspired by the women of the bible to encourage the modern woman of God.  

Luxurious, nontoxic Christian candles that make great gifts for women.

Head over to the shop and check them out. 

Dr. Andy Jay


  1. Ebele Compean

    May 3, 2023

    My fave part: Proverb 31 woman–so much wisdom there. I agree with overall message: the most important thing is for us to grow closer to God.

    • Dr. Andy Jay

      May 3, 2023

      Hey Ebele,

      Thanks for your comment.

      I love the Proverbs 31 woman now that I fully understand it. I have a blog post coming out soon all about her and I’m so excited to share.

      And yes, it’s all about our relationship with Him.

  2. Lauren T.

    May 3, 2023

    This article is right on time! I’ve found myself struggling with being intentional with my time and putting God first!

    I love the point you made about finding the right time that fits your schedule. I’m not a morning person yet for some reason, I decided to try to make my mornings the time I “fit” God in….spoiler alert… it hasn’t work beyond the morning prayer. This blog is confirmation I have to go back to nights to really get an understanding of the Word. Plus, ending your day with God is a good way to have a good night’s rest.

    I also like the point about getting a new Bible or Christian book. I’ve never read the Bible cover to cover but I’ve always wanted to understand it better because context helps me grasp the scripture. I’ve started to use a book called Seamless to understand the Bible as one story and it’s been a game changer.

    Thanks for the motivation! From one busy Christian physician to the next, I love the inspiration!

    • Dr. Andy Jay

      May 3, 2023

      Hey Lauren!

      I’m glad you enjoyed the article and thank you for your comment. Yes, it’s a struggle. But, God will show us how to get there.

      I’ve never heard of Seamless but just looked into it. *adds to cart* Thanks so much for sharing!

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Dr. Andy Jay

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