5 Powerful Prayers For Anger

Apr, 12, 2024
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Prayers for anger

This article contains godly tips and prayers for anger.

Prayers to help the modern-day Christian with anger.  

I remember the last time I was angry. It wasn’t that long ago. I wasn’t interested in talking to God and I didn’t care to read my Bible at that moment. Turning the other cheek was the last thing on my mind. 

Anger is one of the most basic human emotions, but it’s also a dangerous one if left unchecked. 

Think about the last time you were angry. 

The spark could’ve been something someone said, something someone did, or even a memory that ignited the fire. 

According to an article on anger management written by the University of Florida, some experts propose that the average adult experiences anger about once a day and annoyance about three times a day. However, other experts in anger management propose that the actual number is about 15 times per day. 

Our thoughts during times of anger are often not pleasing to God. And those thoughts can lead to action which allows sin to enter the battleground. 

And this is right where the enemy wants you—walking around with a hardened heart and a head filled with ungodly thoughts. 

When a person is in this state, the enemy can wreak havoc because they are not operating in the spirit, but their flesh. 

And nothing good can come from the flesh, or in this case, human anger.  In their rage, some have made mistakes they can’t come back from. The consequences of anger can put you in a stronghold that can last for generations to come. 

But, on this day, we are declaring in the name of Jesus that this won’t be you. You have already made a strong stand against the enemy by coming to seek God’s word. 

That’s no easy feat. As we all know, with anger, visions can “turn red” and thoughts are clouded by emotion.

Satan will also make you want to blame God for allowing things to happen and putting you in certain situations. He will do his best to make you feel like God is not on your side. 

To create further isolation, he will want you to avoid people who can speak godly encouragement into you. He’s just weaving his web. 

But you are strong and can see past his traps because of the One who fights with and for you. 

So today, I want to arm you (and me) with 7 godly things to do when you’re angry and 5 prayers to help you fight anger. 

What does God say to do when you are angry? 

Here are 7 things God instructs us to do when we are mad. 

1. Remain calm

A quick-tempered person does foolish things,
    and the one who devises evil schemes is hated.

Proverbs 14:17 (NIV)

    Everyone is different, but it’s important to calm yourself to avoid sin. If you can, go to a quiet place and meet God there. I promise you He’ll be there waiting. 

    No matter what our flesh tells us, we know that He longs to meet us in our time of need. 

    If you’re soothed by music, start playing some worship music. If you express yourself through writing, journal to God.

    Whatever you do, remove yourself temporarily from the situation.  Find God, the source of your peace, and ask Him for wisdom and understanding on handling the situation. 

    2. Avoid sin

    Tremble and[a] do not sin;
        when you are on your beds,
        search your hearts and be silent.

    Psalm 4:4

      The enemy has studied you since your birth. He knows just what buttons to push to ignite  the fire of anger. And if you allow him, he will continue to push it every chance he gets.

      The goal is not just to anger you. Anger is actually the tool he uses to get you to sin against God. 

      This is one of the reasons why God warns us to be alert and of a sober mind. 

      Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith,because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

      1 Peter 5:8-9

      But we can and should take heart because God also tells us to resist him and he will flee. We must use the authority given to us through Jesus Christ. 

      Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

      James 4:7

      Prayer for when you are mad

      3. Recognize God as your defender 

        This is one of the best ways to avoid anger and sin when someone has wronged you. Pray for them. 

        God is loving, but let’s just say we all know how it feels to be under His disciplinary hand. The dragging that can occur is unmatched and you may end up feeling bad for those who wronged you. 

        As you pray for them, remember not to get in God’s way by sinning yourself. Unless He disciplines you too.

         He doesn’t take sides. He is for the kingdom and the souls of all parties are a priority to Him.  

        4. Don’t be controlled by emotions (Psalm 37:8)  

        Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;
            do not fret—it leads only to evil.

        Psalm 37:8

          In anger, it’s tempting to want to forget the faith and act on our emotions. This is dangerous territory and exactly where the enemy is trying to guide you. 

          Check your flesh with God’s word. Still your mind on Him, the giver of love and peace. 

          5. Be quick to listen and slow to speak

          My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.

          James 1:19-20

            You know the arguments where everyone just wants to be heard, but no one is listening? This can lead to even more misunderstandings, frustration, and anger. A recipe for relationships falling apart. 

            We must listen to understand one another. If both or multiple parties are set only on the goal of winning the argument and not coming to solutions, there will be no winner. When you do things God’s way and bring peace, everybody wins and God is glorified. 

            6. Do good

            Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

            Romans 12:21

              The opposite of sinning is to do God’s will. Be gentle, kind, generous and willing to compromise. 

              It may feel counterintuitive to do this to someone who has expressed malicious behavior towards you sparking your anger, but God is watching. 

              For example, David refused to lay a finger on Saul even though he had ample opportunity. Saul’s actions, rooted in the sin of pride and the sin of jealousy, should have ignited David’s anger, but David chose to do things God’s way.

              7. Pray.    

              Take the situation to God in prayer. And this leads us to our next section. 

              Prayers to pray when you are angry

              Prayers to pray when you are mad.

              Prayer is one of our greatest weapons against the enemy. Thus, praying God’s word is one of the most effective ways to fight anger. Below, I have included prayers based on scriptures for you to pray in your time of need. 

              Prevention: A prayer for refraining from anger 

              Dear Lord,

              I come to you regarding *insert situation here.* God, I can feel the anger building up and I know this is not the way you wish for me to handle this. 

              I rebuke the evil thoughts that are starting to flood my mind. God I know this is not the time for me to give into my emotions and let them dictate my actions.  So I’m running to you and asking you not to let me fall into the enemy’s trap. 

              God, help me to do what’s right even if it’s not what I want at this moment. Please calm the storm that’s starting to brew inside of me. 

              Help my actions and words to always be pleasing to you. I submit to your spirit and not my flesh. I pray for self-control, patience, and wisdom. Help me guard my heart and keep my peace.

              Not my will, but yours Lord. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen 

              A prayer to exercise patience, a fruit of the spirit, instead of anger 

              Whoever is patient has great understanding,
                  but one who is quick-tempered displays folly.

              Proverbs 14:29

              Dear Lord,

              I’m angry. But, your word states that my fight is not against flesh and blood but the spirits and beings in heavenly places. 

              I know that Satan sometimes uses the lost as a weapon against those who believe. So,
              Father, I pray for this lost soul right now. I pray that you will grant me patience to help them and not discard them as the enemy wants me to do. 

              Renew my mind right now Lord and help me to see this situation from your perspective and not my own. Give me your heart for people. Help me to forgive them just as you have forgiven me so many times. 

              Help me to be an example of you so that others may want to know you too. You are my rock, my peace, and my defender. 

              I declare this in Jesus’s name. Amen. 

              A prayer for self-control when angry 

              Like patience, self-control is another fruit of the spirit that will be extremely helpful in times of anger. 

              James 1:19-20

              Dear God,

              I am struggling with anger right now. I know that human anger does not lead to the actions and words that you expect of us. So, I present myself to you. 

              God I’m asking you to help me with self-control. If I give into anger and become blinded by it, I can’t see you or what you’re doing clearly. Help me to control my emotions right now. God let me be a vessel for peace and not for chaos.

              In Jesus’s name. Amen   

              A prayer for peace amid anger

              Jesus, you are the prince of peace. Thus,  I lay the anger that I’m feeling right now at your feet. I ask that you exchange it for the peace that surpasses understanding. Give me the same peace that allowed you to rest despite the chaos and storm going on around you. 

              God, I need your help. My flesh doesn’t want to do what is right, but my spirit is willing. So I submit to your will and not my own.

              I’m Jesus’s name. Amen  

              A prayer to forgive when angry

               Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

              Ephesians 4:31-32

              Dear God,

              I’m struggling to forgive right now. Every time I try, my mind goes back to that moment of hurt and I become angry all over again. 

              A heart of bitterness does not bring about your desires. And I know this is not what you would have for me. You sacrificed so that I may have peace, healing, and freedom. So, God, I worship you as my God, my friend, my rock, and my healer. 

              Help me to overcome this situation so that I may forgive just as you have forgiven me. 

              In Jesus’s name, Amen 

              Final thoughts on Prayers For Anger 

              Well, there you have it. I hope these prayers on anger bring you closer to God and allow you to be filled with his peace and stillness instead of frustration and bitterness. 

              Remember to heed his warnings against human anger. The enemy would love nothing more than for you to fall into his carefully calculated trap. It can be challenging to refrain from anger, but you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. 

              May God’s peace and strength be with you. Until next time.

              -Dr. Jay 

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