10 Powerful & Timeless Lessons From Hannah in the Bible

Jun, 07, 2023
Blog article on lessons from Hannah in the bible

Important biblical lessons from Hannah

Some people believe that the Bible doesn’t apply to modern times.  It’s outdated…so they say.  This is far from the truth. 

The reality is that each story in the Bible was placed there for the teaching of Christians who lived a century ago, the Christians of today, and the Christians who will live 100 years from now. 

These biblical stories overshadow time and culture.  

Hannah’s story is no different.  She stands out as a woman of strength, obedience, and resiliency. 

Thus, God strategically placed her story in His written word to teach us some important lessons as we walk our Christian journeys today.  

So in this article, we will explore important lessons from Hannah in the Bible and talk about some ways that we can apply them to our everyday lives.  

Who is Hannah in the Bible?

But first, let’s take a step back and remind ourselves of the biblical story of Hannah.  

You can find her story starting in 1 Samuel, chapter 1.  

In reading the chapter, you’ll learn that Hannah is one of the two wives of Elkanah, an Ephramimite from the tribe of Ephraim.  Before the first paragraph ends, the Bible reveals that Penninah, Elkanah’s other wife, had children, but Hannah had none.  

The Bible goes on to tell how each year the family would go up to Shiloh, the central sanctuary site of Israel before the first temple was built, to worship and offer their sacrifice. 

From the sacrifice, Elkanah would give some of the meat to Peninnah and her children. However, He would give double to Hannah because he loved her.  

In 1 Samuel 1:6-7, the Bible states, 

Because the Lord had closed Hannah’s womb, her rival kept provoking her to irritate her. This went on year after year. Whenever Hannah went up to the house of the Lord, her rival provoked her till she wept and would not eat.

Immediately the reader can connect with Hannah’s pain and sorrow.  But, her prayers of sorrow would later turn into songs of joy.  

Let’s take a look at how God moved in Hannah’s life and the lessons we can learn from her story.  

An article that reviews important teachings from Hannah in the Bible

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Biblical lessons from Hannah in the bible

1. The story of Hannah is a lesson on spiritual endurance.

Hannah endured her season of barrenness.  Though she wept and lost her appetite while battling grief and anguish, she found her strength in God.  

Sometimes our faith journey requires us to endure an uncomfortable season. Just remember that He will never give you more than you can bear. Everything has a purpose. It may be to destroy a stronghold, build faith, or bring about God’s perfect plan. 

Whatever the reason, also remember that no character in the Bible ever regretted enduring their uncomfortable season. 

I know it may seem dark, but like Hannah, we must find God’s light and hold on while remembering God’s sovereignty and goodness.

As scripture says in Galatians 6:9, 

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. 

So, how did Hannah endure her season while remaining strong in her faith? The next lesson tells us about one weapon she used.  

2. Hannah teaches us how to be persistent in prayer

Hannah praying the night Eli saw her is not the first time she laid her circumstances before God’s feet. 

1 Samuel 1:3 tells us year after year, Elkanah and the family would go up to Shiloh to worship and offer their sacrifice.  

From this text, we can assume that Hannah was praying for years to have a child. And I’m sure it wasn’t just during worship and sacrifice that she prayed.  Day after day, she prayed hoping that God would hear her heart.  

Hannah’s persistence in prayer reminded me of Jesus’s prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane.  In His sorrow and anguish, He went to God. 

God answered Jesus’s prayer by sending an angel to strengthen him.  God also answered Hannah’s prayer in His perfect timing as the barren woman became the mother of six. 

I also believe in the years before she became pregnant, He was answering her prayers by giving grace, strength, and resiliency as He awaited the appropriate time to bless her.  

God had a plan all along and was working behind the scenes to bring about a great purpose.  He’s doing the same for you.  Keep praying and trusting Him. It’s not falling on deaf ears.  

As a good Father, He will give you what you need at the moment all while preparing you for who you will become in the future.   


3. Hannah’s story is a lesson on how to wait on God

As mentioned above, Hannah prayed and waited for years for a child.  Each year, it seemed like she was denied. 

What’s significant here is her posture as she waited.  She didn’t stay down and she didn’t give up on God.  She also didn’t make the same mistake that Sarah and Rachel made by taking the situation into her own hands.  

She continued to pray, worship, and sacrifice in her wait.  She trusted God’s sovereignty and goodness. 

In our faith journeys, sometimes it will seem as if God isn’t hearing us. This may lead to the temptation of taking things into our own hands.  But, I encourage you to take a lesson from Hannah and assume her posture in waiting.  

Continue to give it to God. He can solve our problems much better than we can and with little effort. But we must trust His timing.  

Why? Because we know that while we’re thinking about our situation in the here and now, God is thinking about the entire Kingdom.  

Like Hannah, don’t doubt and stay relentless in pursuing Him as you wait.   

4. Hannah’s story is an example of surrendering our will to God’s perfect one. 

Surrendering is letting go and giving God all control. It’s an act of faith.

In her documented prayer in 1 Samuel 1, Hannah surrendered by entrusting God with her deepest desire and the blessing that would take away her pain and shame.   

And this is exactly what God wants for you.  In this way, He can accomplish His perfect plan for your life and His kingdom.  

What Hannah didn’t realize in her wait was that God was looking for an unselfish and willing prophet. He was preparing Hannah and in doing so, He was bringing about Samuel.  

Samuel was the child handpicked by God to be His last judge, His warrior, His prophet, and the man who would guide the first kings of Israel.  

This was His perfect plan and this was the reason for Hannah’s wait.

You can also check out my blog article on surrendering and casting your cares.

Biblical lessons from Hannah in the Bible.

5. Hannah is an example of how to overcome jealousy from others.  


6. Her story is a lesson in the virtues of wisdom and self-control

Even when you’re struggling, others may still see you as more fortunate, popular, or loved than they are. Thus, in their pain, they inflict pain.  

This is the root of jealousy.  This was the case for Elkanah’s second wife, Peninnah.  

The Bible doesn’t speak about Elkanah’s love for Penninah, but it explicitly expresses his love for Hannah.  However, Hannah was without a child which meant that Elkanah had no heir.  

This was perhaps the reason that Elkanah took on another wife who could bear him children.  The Bible describes Penninah as a rival of Hannah’s. 

Hannah dealt with years of Peninnah provoking her in her season of infertility.  She was so upset that she wept and wouldn’t eat.  However, she never lashed out or tried to get even. 

She took her issues to the Lord. She got down on her knees and cried out to the One whom she knew could change her circumstances.  

This is a reminder of David, a Christian who also dealt with jealousy and anger from Saul.  He and Hannah handled their situations God’s way and God honored them both.  

In Psalm 23:5, David states:

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”  

David became one the greatest kings of Israel and Hannah the mother of Samuel and five others.  

7. Hannah’s story is a lesson in trusting God and allowing God to fight your battles.

Hannah trusted God to fight her battles.  She went into prayer exchanging her sorrows for God’s joy.  

She trusted God as her refuge (Psalm 46:1), rock (Psalm 18:2), and defender (Deuteronomy 32:4) when her rival provoked her.   

She trusted that God would see her pain, hear her sorrow, and relieve her from the season of barrenness.  

And He did. 

8. Hannah teaches the importance of praising God despite your circumstances

It seemed like her prayers and desires had fallen on deaf ears.  It’s in these times that the enemy sees an opportunity to strike.  He will start filling our heads with lies such as, 

“It’s never gonna happen” 

“God doesn’t care” 

“Why am I trying so hard to do what’s right when it seems like the ones who are not are getting what they want?”

I think every Christian has struggled with these thoughts at one time or another.  But, it is in our darkest times that we can take another lesson from Hannah in the Bible.  

As stated above, she trusted God and remained faithful.  

It does confuse the enemy when we do this.  He expects our flesh to take over and as Job’s wife told him, curse God in our pain.  

But, like Job and Hannah, we can trust that God will only allow things that must take place for a season.  Why? Because He’s the one seeing the past, present, and future.  

Romans 8:18 states, 

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”

Thus, we praise Him in the hallway while we await the opening of the right door in His perfect timing. 

9. Hannah is a lesson in obedience to God

Soon after her prayer from the heart in Shiloh, Hannah became pregnant.  Now that she had what she wanted most in the world, she still didn’t forget God or her promise to Him.  

This was likely one of the hardest things that she had to do. But in her obedience, she dedicated her son back to God as she had promised.  

And God continued to bless her with five more children.

10. Hannah is a Lesson in the faithfulness of God

In 1 Samuel, chapter 1, we learned about Hannah’s sorrows. But in chapter 2, we see a mother’s prayer of gratitude and reverence for the Lord.  

As God was faithful to Hannah, He is also faithful to you.  Whatever you’re praying and waiting for, know that He hears you. 

I’ve learned to look for the “little things” he’ll do to show you that He’s here and you’re not forsaken.  A “random” encouraging word from a stranger at the store or Him calling my attention to the beautiful skies that I enjoy gazing at.   

He’s sending you “little nudges” as well…. things that speak to your heart. 

Final thoughts on lessons from Hannah in the Bible

The stories of the bible transcend time.  In this article, we have discussed ten lessons that the modern-day Christian can learn from Hannah.  May her truth light your path to the One who gave His all for you. ]

Until next time, 

-Dr. Jay

But before you leave,

Have you checked out our Christian Candles inspired by Hannah in the Bible?

Christian Candle based on the biblical story of Hannah

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Dr. Andy Jay

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