The Praying Physician

Mar, 17, 2020
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I think it’s safe to say that this decade did not start off like anyone intended.  We had dreams to accomplish, flights to catch and events to plan.  Then BOOM.  The Coronavirus we heard about in the Fall made its way to the shores of the United States and our country is found ill prepared.  Schools are closing, gatherings are cancelled and people are panicking.  The store shelves are empty as people try their best to do the only thing that they know how to do or can do in uncertain and chaotic times.  Personal protective equipment and hygiene products become like gold.  On top of this, there are people who would like nothing more than to profit instead of lending a helping hand.  As a healthcare worker, I see my organization and organizations around the country mobilizing as we prepare for what we know maybe some tough days ahead.  We worry about our children, our older parents and our communities.  Nevertheless, we suit up and answer the call as the country is thrown into what seems like complete disarray.  As an Internal Medicine physician, I counsel patients on the importance of vaccines, I prescribe medicines to combat chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension and I work alongside other providers when my patients are having procedures or surgery to ensure their medical stability.  I believe that modern medicine is a form of God’s grace as he has instilled in some of the brightest minds cures, vaccines and measures to increase or maintain quality of life.  However, I also know that as a Christian, we cannot neglect the power of prayer. 

2 Chronicles 7:14 states “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” Now this verse has a couple of important instructions at the beginning.  It also contains a promise. God states that in doing these things, he will hear his people from heaven, forgive them and heal their land.  What are some things that you need to dismiss from your life? How has your prayer life and relationship with God been? Given the current circumstances, now is the perfect time to find out because he’s calling you closer and deeper. He loves you and has not forgotten about you or your needs. 

As I’m scrolling on social media, I see people doing some of the most ridiculous things and not as a joke.  Fear has ravished this country.  Psalms 91 is a scripture that I have been reading daily for the past couple of days.  It has brought peace to my soul.  I encourage you to take a moment to read it before going any further.  But, know that “You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.”  He’s got you.  Pray over that scripture. Let it sink deep into the fabrics of your soul.  Know that he did not give us the spirit of fear. He gave us the spirit that allows us to love and have power over the enemy.  The spirit he gives us allows us to sleep and go about our day with a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).

Now my prior statement DOES NOT mean we can go out and do whatever we want because “God’s got me.”  He has also given us wisdom and common sense.  Proverbs 12:15 states “The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.” God has provided a slew of healthcare providers and public health officials who have all been sending the same message to help combat spread of the virus.  Social distancing….proper hand hygiene, etc.  So why are some of y’all out here trying to catch the next cheap flight?? To my young people, you maybe asymptomatic or it may present as a slight cold for you.  However, for the elderly and those with compromised immune systems for whatever reason, it could mean critical illness requiring a ventilator and/or death.  Not to mention, there are cases where the same has happened to young, healthy individuals.  Please let’s protect and take care of ourselves and each other.  Our healthcare system begs of you.

These are trying times.  There’s uncertainity, there’s fear and in some arenas complete chaos.  However, here are a few bible verses to ponder on regarding fear. 

  1. Isaiah 41:10
  2. Psalm 56:3
  3. Philippians 4:6-7
  4. John 14:27
  5. Psalm 23:4

2020 is not a surprise to God. Use this time to get to know Him and teach others about Him, especially your children.  Pray while spreading love and peace.  Heed the advice of healthcare providers and public health officials.  Take care of each other.  In doing this, we will all see the brighter days that are sure to come. 

I would like to send love and thanks to all the people shopping for their elderly neighbors.  Y’all are awesome. 

To my colleagues on the frontlines, my prayers are with you.  Take care of yourselves as you take care of others.  Stay safe.

Please don’t forget to like and subscribe. Until next time. 

Dr. Andy Jay

Dr. Andy Jay

This brand is meant to be a space for women to receive godly encouragement. We hope that with the tools and community that we provide, you’ll be inspired to conquer your giants and walk with confidence in who God has called you to be.

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