What Is The Main Message Of The Book of Jonah? 11 Powerful Lessons For Christians

Dec, 13, 2023
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main message of Jonah in the Bible

What God wants today’s Christians to learn from Jonah in the Bible.  

Has God ever asked you to do something that you disagreed with? For example, love and do good to people who hurt you or turn the other cheek.  

Many of us have looked at these words and said in our heads in frustration and stubbornness…” yeah Lord, not going to happen.” 

Or, maybe you’ve wondered why God even needed you and the calling He placed on your life.  This question might’ve been stimulated by fear or feelings of inadequacy.  Or maybe it stemmed from someone giving you negative feedback.  

Regardless of which category you fall in, Jonah would know how you feel as he found himself in a similar situation. God recently took me to the book after I found myself doubting some of the things He asked me to do.  

I’m a physician, but I’m also an entrepreneur.  I blog and I offer Christian products to encourage the women of God.  I started to wonder why God needed me for the latter.  

I’m providing care in my job at the hospital.  So, why does God want me on the internet and social media?  

I saw other videos of women on YouTube as well as other Christian businesses on social media. It seemed that God had it covered. Couldn’t I just go on with my regularly scheduled program? 

God wasn’t having it.  And if find yourself asking similar questions regarding your calling, I’m going to convey to you the same message that He gave me. 

In the days that I studied the book of Jonah, God taught me a great deal about disobedience, faith, courage, and trust.  I want to share this with you.  

In this article, we’ll talk about the importance of Jonah’s biblical story,  discuss lessons to learn and apply to our modern-day Christian lives, and wrap up by discussing the main message of the book of Jonah.  

Why is the book of Jonah so important in the Bible? 

lessons from Jonah in the Bible

We’ve all heard of the story of Jonah and the whale. You can find Jonah’s story here if you need a quick refresher.

Some think of the story as fictional.  However, I am under the premise that every story of the Bible was strategically placed there for the teaching of generations past, present, and future.   

As hinted above, when I struggled with my calling and the motivation to carry on, these were the scriptures the Holy Spirit guided me to.  In a review of the scriptures, I found that there are alot of important lessons for the modern-day Christian to glean from this book.  

The importance of the book of Jonah are the lessons it teaches on obedience, repentance along with God’s compassion and sovereignty.

Below we will take a look at some of these key lessons that every Christian can take away from Jonah’s story in the bible.   

11 Lessons That The Book of Jonah Teaches Us.  

God pursues you. 

God is a gentleman, not a stalker.  He is also your heavenly father who can see past, present, and future.  Sometimes, when we disagree with Him, like Jonah, we run the other way.  

But, pride and disobedience can blind us to the danger down the road He’s protecting us from.  They can also hinder us from the life He means for us to touch.   

We were all created for a specific purpose by Him. As our maker, who are we to tell Him He’s wrong? This is something that I must remind myself of when the direction He tells me doesn’t seem right. 

He is patient, kind, merciful, and loving enough to pursue us, especially when we are on the wrong path to bring us to the right one.  The one that helps us reach our true potential and fulfill our calling all while glorifying Him.  

God can use any situation for his glory

When Jonah ran from his calling, he ended up on a boat in a terrible storm. The men along with him were not believers of God.   

When the storm started sparking terror in everyone aboard, each man began calling on their god.  However, we soon find in the story that their tune will change as they start calling on Jonah’s God.  

Even though Jonah was disobedient and was never supposed to be on that boat, God still got the glory by using the situation to show other men who is and leading to their belief.  

Your obedience can save the souls of countless others. 

Jonah didn’t want to go to Nineveh to preach to them.  Initially, it could’ve been out of fear.  I mean if God told me to go preach to a town right now, I’d have some reservations.  

However, after preaching to the people, they saw their wrong and instantly repented. If we would trust God and follow His instructions there is no telling the number of lives He could use us to touch and the subsequent generations that could be affected.  

No calling is insignificant. It all has a purpose…YOU have a purpose.  

I’d been feeling like what God had been calling me to do didn’t have meaning lately. No one has been reading these blogposts and no one is viewing my Christian content on social media were just a few thoughts or gifts from the enemy floating in my brain causing discouragement.  Maybe you’ve been feeling like this too.  

But, I believe that’s why God directed me to Jonah’s story and the writing of this blogpost.  When I did the behind-the-scenes research, this blog post didn’t seem to have much potential as far as search volume, but God still wanted me to write it….for you.  

You are part of the intricate body of Christ. Just an obvious reminder, a body is made up of many parts and each part is made to work in sync with the other.  

So what you may think is an insignificant role is actually a crucial component in God’s master plan.  Ask anyone who’s injured their thumb and has to wear a splint for a few weeks. Don’t give in to the lies of the enemy.  

Whatever God is calling you to do, do it and keep at it! Don’t worry about the numbers, the resources, the hows, or the whens.  It will all be revealed in God’s timing.  

God chose you

Here’s another reminder going along with the above.  God searched the world and his eyes landed on you, your gifts, and your talents. 

He doesn’t want Sue, Bob, or Charlie for this job. It may seem that they can do it better (again don’t let the enemy fool you into underestimating what God has given you), but He specifically called you and it’s an honor.  Take it from Jonah and don’t run from Him. Run towards Him.  

importance of the story of Jonah in the Bible

Fear God more than you fear the world

While it’s unclear if Jonah felt fear when God told him to go preach to the people of Nineveh, I could see how this could be the case.  Has God ever called you to do something that seemed totally over your head? 

The answer is probably yes.  

The lesson here is don’t look at the task, the problems, and definitely not your own abilities.  Look at God and his unfailing record.  

God provides

It sounds very unpleasant to be swallowed by a fish, but this was God’s provision even in Jonah’s disobedience.  He will provide for you in all things.  

The book of Jonah is a lesson on God’s sovereignty

While working on Jonah’s heart, God was also working on the hearts of the men on the boat and the people of Nineveh. We also see God controlling storms, growing a plant out of the natural order of life, and using a fish to accomplish his will. 

Jonah teaches us about God’s patience and grace

While God does give us free will, who are we to tell Him no? Like a father with a rebellious child, He showed patience, kindness, and love to Jonah. He also showed this to the people of Nineveh which helps those of us today understand His character.  

The book of Jonah teaches us about the mercy of God 

God could have punished Jonah and the people of Nineveh. But when Jonah cried out to him in prayer, He listened. He offered the people of Nineveh correction and they quickly repented. 

Though we deserve his wrath, we get his loving correction, grace, and mercy. He’s our good Father. He’s slow to anger and abounding in love. (Jonah 4:2)

It doesn’t matter who you are, God cares

Jew or Gentile, God has His eyes on everyone. He cares about the whole earth no matter race, nationality, past or present. We see this when He spoke with the Samaritan woman at the well, in the book of Ruth, in the story of  Rehab, and countless others in the Bible. 

 In this particular case, we see it in the book of Jonah with the people of Nineveh. 

What is the main message of the book of Jonah in the Bible 

So we’ve talked about the importance of the book of Jonah and the lessons learned from the story. But, what is God’s main message from the story of Jonah?  

We could say obedience or compassion.  But, the Bible is a complex body of work. You can read the same scripture and get 5 different lessons from it (as we’ve discussed above). 

So I don’t think there is just one big lesson to be found in Jonah. I think it just depends on what God wants to teach you in this spiritual season of your life.  

But if you ask me, God’s sovereignty, the importance of obedience, and God’s heart for all people are some of the big lessons to be gleaned from the story. 

Final thoughts on the primary message of the Book of Jonah

For the past two months, I had been avoiding my calling similar to Jonah running away from His.  And since you’re reading this article, maybe you have too.  

But, let me let you in on something that I discovered in my own story.  Despite me taking a 2-month hiatus traveling and working on other hobbies, God has been continually growing this blog.  

So while I’m over here thinking God doesn’t need what I’m doing, He’s showing me how he’s using it to inspire women all over the world.  I can literally see it in my Google Analytics.  

There’s no telling what he’ll do with your calling.  Take notes from the lessons learned from Jonah.  Be obedient friend and see what’s on the other side.  

That is the main message of the book of Jonah.  

Until next time, 

Dr. Jay.  

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Dr. Andy Jay

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Dr. Andy Jay

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