11 Essential Ways to Protect Your Peace & Have Joy In Every Situation.

Jul, 26, 2023
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Ways to protect your peace

How to protect your peace and live your life to the fullest

I used to let things bother me more than I would like to admit. If I messed up, my mistakes played on repeat in my mind. And if someone said or did something offensive to me, my mind would be stuck on it for the rest of the day. 

If I argued with someone, scenarios of how I could’ve gone about it differently would also flow throughout my mind distracting me from what I should’ve been focused on.   

Can you relate? 

If so then we must realize that when we allow these things to consume us,  we’re falling into a trap of the enemy.  The enemy will use this to rob us of our inheritance and one of the most valuable things a human can possess. But, not anymore! 

I’ve learned (am learning) to protect my peace. And I want you to join me on this journey so that we can live the life Jesus died for us to have while carrying out His assignments for us here on Earth.  

I’ve committed to the fact that what the enemy and people do and say will not cause me to prematurely grow gray hair and walk around in frustration. I will no longer be bound by the thoughts and opinions of people but by the word of God. 

In this article, we will embrace the term unbothered (God’s way of course).  Peace is our inheritance. Jesus promised it to us and today we will claim it and walk in it.

What does it mean to protect your peace?

This may sound weird, but to protect something, you must understand it.  Dictionary.com defines being at peace as “a state of agreement or friendliness, not at strife or war; also, in a state of inner harmony or quiet.”

What is your definition of peace?  

Is it being on an island with a cool drink away from the hustle and bustle of life?  Is it cozying up on the couch with a soft blanket and getting lost in a book? 

These are all peaceful scenarios, but that doesn’t help you when the trials of life come.  True, inner peace is having a sense of calmness and contentment internally despite your external environment.   

Jesus aka the Prince of Peace, is the perfect example of someone who protected His peace.  

Do you remember the scripture where Jesus was sleeping on a boat during a terrible storm and everyone else was running around thinking they were going to die? 

If not, take a look at Matthew 8:23-27 (NIV), 

“Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”

He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”

When I read this scripture while going through a difficult season, I thought “Man I want to have peace like that.” 

Here Jesus was in a terrible storm and he had so much peace that he was sleeping in a sinking ship.  The storm did not affect Him.  

And even if someone was to make the argument of Him being a sound sleeper or oblivious, (which He never is) there are a few facts that counter this.  

One, I would find it hard that anyone could sleep soundly on a sinking ship.  Nobody else was.  And two, when He woke, He didn’t panic. He started to speak to the storm using God’s authority.  

It’s funny that I wished for something that you and I already have.   That same peace that Jesus had, He promised to us.  It’s part of our inheritance from Him.  

Figuratively speaking, we will go through many storms in our lives. Sometimes, it will feel like our boat is sinking and we’re about to drown.  The enemy wants us to panic and run as if we don’t know our Father or our identity in Christ. 

However, God wants us to take the same approach that Jesus did.  Jesus was able to withstand the storm and protect His peace. He didn’t give in to the pressures surrounding Him or the disciples questioning if He cared.  He looked to the Father.  

Protecting your peace means that even though the mountains fall and the earth may shake, you know whom you belong to and who fights for you.  The God of Angel Armies, the Great I Am, and the Prince of Peace.  

How to protect your peace at all Costs 

Here are some practical tips that God has given me to share with you in the pursuit of guarding your peace.  

1. Trust God

Jesus’s trust in the Heavenly Father is why he was sound asleep during the terrible storm.  He called out the disciples for not doing so (aka having little faith).   

He knew that every storm (including the storms of life) is controlled by God.  Nothing is a surprise to Him and nothing happens unless He ordains it to.  

Even when Satan went after Job, He had to get permission from God. And God set limitations on what Satan could and could not do.  

For reference take a look at Job 1: 6-11.

It’s the same for you and me in every storm we face.  We can protect our peace and sleep well by trusting the One whose name the waves and wind still and will always know.  

Check out my blog article on godly encouragement while going through hard times for more encouragement in this area.  

2. Surrender control and give it to God

Calling all the Type A personalities out there (raises my hand).  God needs you to let go and let Him be God. Seriously.  

As a Christian with a Type A personality, I have struggled with this most in my journey thus far.  And it took some “spiritual beating” to get me where I am now.  Don’t be like me. 

In my mind, if something wasn’t happening my way, I could will it too.  I would plan, strategize, tell God what I wanted, and then execute.  

I learned the hard way that it doesn’t work this way… at all. Sometimes, I had success and when I didn’t I would question why God had forsaken me.  I know, I’m hiding my face typing this.  

So I’m going to give you all the same snap back to reality that I got if this is you.  God doesn’t need a general manager of the universe and He is calling for your resignation so that you may take your rightful place.  

That place is you being His child and He your Father.  

Take a look at Psalm 127 (NIV)

Unless the Lord builds the house,

    the builders labor in vain.

Unless the Lord watches over the city,

    the guards stand watch in vain.

In vain you rise early

    and stay up late,

toiling for food to eat—

    for he grants sleep to those he loves.

In essence, if God is not in it and He has not willed it, your efforts will be in vain.  

Protect your peace by surrendering your will to God. I promise his plans are much better than anything you could dream of.  

3. Be Flexible 

Calling the Type A and B personalities this time.  Life is fluid and thus we must be as well.  If we want to have peace that is. 

When things don’t work out your way, keep smiling knowing that it’s working out God’s way.  

Don’t be afraid to pivot if God asks you to.  Keep your mind and heart open to all that He’s doing and enjoy the ride.  I promise the driver is trustworthy.  

How to protect your peace

4. Choose your battles: Don’t argue, choose to agree to disagree. 

Peace is not always something that will come naturally.  It often lies in the choices that we make.  

Choosing which battles in life deserve your attention and which ones don’t is essential in protecting your peace.  

Sometimes I would find myself in situations that sucked my energy, wasted my time, and disturbed my emotional state. In that situation, I did not protect my peace by choosing to walk away instead of engaging.

This reminds me of Proverbs 26:4 (NIV) which states, 

Do not answer a fool according to his folly,

    or you yourself will be just like him.

Protect your peace by choosing your battles wisely whether that be in the community, at work, or in relationships.  

5. Avoid toxic situations 

I know for me, there are certain situations that I know will disturb my peace.  For instance, if there’s a toxic person involved in your life who has a skill in stirring up drama, that’s a situation to be avoided if you can.  

Pray for them and be good to them.  In my case, I do my best to ignore them when the drama starts. However, if the situation calls for it, it’s ok to love people from a distance. 

Protect your peace by guarding your heart

6. Pray 

If you want to protect your peace, it’s important to stay connected to the giver of peace. 

Prayer is one of the most powerful weapons we can wield in spiritual warfare. The Bible tells us that our fight is not against flesh and blood. This means that it’s not people, but the things acting through people in the spiritual realm. 

Ephesians 6:12 states,

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Stay in prayer and pray persistently. 

7. Let certain offenses roll off your shoulders 

When I opened this article, I talked about how I would let offenses absolutely rob me of my peace. And for most of us, it’s not just the day of the offense, it’s the next day and possibly weeks later as well. 

Learn to give everything to God. Address what needs to be addressed and let the others roll off your shoulders. 

As a physician, I know all too well how short and fragile our life on Earth is. Not to be morbid, but as you can imagine, I’ve taken care of many people on their deathbeds. 

I promise these small offenses will not matter at this point. Enjoy every moment of your life without being consumed by the past. A godly life with no regrets is the best we can ask for. 

8. Forgive others and forgive yourself 

Going along with overcoming offenses, we must be quick to forgive. I know it’s easier said than done.

But, carrying around those offenses with bitterness and anger is not protecting our peace, it’s destroying it. 

And just as importantly forgive yourself when you make a mistake. Embrace mistakes for what God intended them to be. A tool for your teaching and growth. 

9. Practice Being Content

Ever been around someone that makes the most out of every situation? It could be raining on the day they planned an epic vacation excursion and they will still enjoy themselves.

Aim to take the same approach they do.  Bumps and bruises are a part of life and absolutely nothing will go perfectly. 

But, if you let go, trust God’s will, and set your heart on joy, you’ll find beauty in it all. 

10. Exercise patience

Patience is a fruit of the spirit and one that many people struggle with.  When I speak of exercising patience to protect your peace, I’m referring to remaining calm and trusting God when things seem delayed.

For example, when Sarah was still without a child even though God had promised it, she became impatient.  All she saw was the years passing and a promise left unfulfilled.  

She chose to take matters into her own hands and this brought her more trouble.  

The beauty of being a child of God is that we don’t have to worry about when, how, and where things will happen.  We can trust that our Father has already prepared the way for us.  

He does not lie and His plans for us are good.  If you are waiting for God to answer a prayer, then take Hannah’s approach and find internal peace knowing that He is for you and not against you.  

Romans 12:12 

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

11. Commit to making each day a great one

Last, but not least, choose to make each day a good one.  Implement the tips above by letting certain offenses go, forgiving quickly, exercising patience, practicing contentment, and praying often.  

The choice is yours.  Choose peace and happiness for yourself and those around you.  

Protect your peace at all costs

Prayer for protecting your peace 

Dear God,  

Thank you for your love, patience, and kindness to us.  Thank you for our inheritance of your peace. 

God as we go out into the world, we ask the Holy Spirit to guide us in protecting what you have freely given us.  We bind anything that the enemy will use to try and rob us of our freedom and peace.  

We make the choice today and every day to operate in your peace honoring you in every choice that we make.

This we pray in Jesus’s name, Amen.  

Final Thoughts on protecting your peace 

Jesus, the Prince of Peace, has given you an inheritance of eternal life along with peace while you walk this earth.  The enemy will try and rob you of your inheritance.  He doesn’t fight fair and will even use those closest to you if he can.  

But, God always provides.  Operating in the gift of peace will require faith and making wise choices. 

I hope these tips light your path and provide encouragement in protecting your peace.  Remember to make your choices wisely.  

Until next time, 

Dr. Jay 

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This article offers godly encouragement surrounding protecting your peace at all costs

Dr. Andy Jay

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Dr. Andy Jay

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